‘Der Frühling’, de Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

Na passagem do trecentésimo sétimo aniversário do nascimento de Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach [8 Março 1714 – 14 Dezembro 1788], a canção Der Frühling / A Primavera, extraída do álbum Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Der Frühling (2016), interpretada pelo agrupamento Café-Zimmermann, com direcção musical de Pablo Valetti, tendo como solista o tenor inglês Rupert Charlesworth.

Der Frühling is a song reworked into a chamber cantata in about 1770: its galant élan is appositely rendered in Rupert Charlesworth’s mellifluous delivery of Wieland’s poetry describing the joys of spring, working in tandem exquisitely with violinists Pablo Valetti and Mauro Lopes Ferreira. Three brief arias might have been written in the late 1730s during CPE’s student days in Frankfurt, whereas the mature sophistication of his music in late-1770s Hamburg is represented by the succinct cantata Selma. Via Gramophone.

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